Board Members and Manager standing before new Mural

2021 Year In Review

2021 was a year of many changes and positive growth for the Wabasha Area Food Share. Here’s the story in numbers:

185 Households served

54% of households served came 3 or less times in 2021.

28% (52 households) only visited the food shelf once in 2021.

128 New in 2021 Households

452 Individuals received food

30% of individuals receiving food are under 18 (137 individuals)

13% of individuals receiving food were over 65 (57 individuals)

866 Visits to the Food Share over the course of 2021

18,545 pounds of Donations received by the Wabasha Food Share

60,364 pounds of food and household items distributed

45 + Volunteers contributed over a thousand hours in 2021 to make the Food Share possible

part-time manager hired

beautiful new mural added to the outside of our building!